Nenana Wellness Coalition


December 4, 2007

The Nenana Wellness Coalition is an alliance of representatives from various organizations, government agencies, community groups and individuals that meets weekly to discuss, evaluate, coordinate, consolidate, celebrate and help implement plans for improving the wellness and quality of life in Nenana Alaska.

There were five in attendance today, including: Bonnie Reed, Rob Thomason, Keith Seig, Maryellen Kanayurak and Kat McElroy. We had lamb & green bean casserole for lunch with sliced apples, tangerines and mixed nuts.

WELCOME: By this week’s chairperson: Bonnie Reed, followed by the

PRAYER was lead by Maryellen Kanayurak, followed by the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE.

PRESENTATION OF AGENDA AND CALL FOR MODIFICATIONS: Tim Horn is in Anchorage today (Kat forgot) so the Health Fair will be forwarded to next week’s agenda.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: submitted electronically by Kat and posted on the WIN web site at:

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: No guests today, all old hands at WIN.


Our Culture IS Prevention – Per Rob & Keith’s request, we again viewed the White Bison DVD Our Culture Is Prevention which explores the Daughters of Tradition alcohol abuse prevention program on the White Earth reservation in Minnesota. We had some technical difficulties with the DVD skipping but were able to view most of the film. Discussion ensued regarding alcohol abuse prevention: how do we apply this to our community? Rob and Keith would like NCPS students to see this; Keith agreed to take it and attempt to view it on a different machine to ascertain if the problem was the DVD or the player. If it is the DVD, another copy can be obtained. White Bison has offered this DVD as a giveaway. You can read more about this or arrange to receive a copy at:

Kat would like to do talking circles with students ages 13-19 to explore culture as prevention. The first topic she would like to explore would be cultural values to determine What Is Our Culture? She said White Bison materials resonate with what she learned about prevention at the OSAP program where she worked for three years in Fairbanks: youth learn best by doing—alternative and cultural activities—and gain great strength and pride from learning about and participating in their culture. White Bison encourages people to build prevention around their own communities unique cultre.

Nenana Health Fair—Redux – Tim Horn will lead discuss on this issue next week we hope.

School-based Tobacco Prevention Grants –Maryellen Kanayurak just return from a tobacco training in Anchorage where she found out that we probably qualify to apply for a school-based tobacco prevention grant. These grants are limited to schools in communities that already have a community-based tobacco program. The information that Maryellen and Kat pulled off of the state tobacco web site states: School Programs: School based programs promote tobacco free school policies, provide teen oriented cessation classes, train youth in tobacco refusal skills and support health lifestyle choices. These programs encourage parent, teacher and community involvement while focusing on building assets in youth. Maryellen has said that she is willing to take lead on this. Rob said that his only reservation is “I’d want to make sure that whatever we did had sustainability built into it.” He suggested that Maryellen get together with Keith on this as he has a great deal of grant writing experience.
We also talked about looking into grant funding to do Daughter’s of Tradition and Sons of Tradition prevention programs in Nenana.

When all is said and done, the only change that will make a difference is the transformation of the human heart. –Peter Senge

OLD BUSINESS-None noted.

NEW BUSINESS-Health Fair re-scheduled hopefully for next week.


Operation Ho Ho Ho is moving right along. We have about 60 families we’ll be preparing food and gift baskets for. In Laura’s absence, Rosemary is taking lead on this.
Friday night, 6 PM, K-6th grade students Winter Concert in the pit at NCPS.
Next Tuesday 5 P.M the community is invited to have dinner with the students at NSLC.
The Christmas Bazaar and Community Meal will be December 13 in the school cafeteria.
Ice Classic Xmas party will be next Monday, Dec 10th after their regular meeting which starts at 5:30 PM at the Civic Center. Cherrie would like anyone planning to go to call and give her a head’s-up so she’ll know how many to cook for.
The drawing for the gift exchange at the Nenana Native Council will be December 8th; any adult wanting to be in on that should call the Native Council. The gift exchange will be the evening of the 20th: refreshments at 6:30 with Santa arriving around 7:30.

Adjournment: 1:30 P.M.